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CBM Infographic Series - Issue 1


We’re kicking off our Infographic series on Mongolia’s developing CBM industry with a quick overview of CBM as an energy resource, how it is extracted and can be used, and what environmental impacts, both pros and cons, can be expected.

Explainer for Mongolia's developing CBM Industry

Mongolia stands to significantly benefit from exploiting this natural resource. First and foremost, as a cleaner burning fuel, it could help significantly reduce the high levels of air pollution in the country, especially during the winter months.

Also, by reducing the country’s reliance on imported energy sources such as electricity, oil products and gas, Mongolia would become more energy independent and as such could boost economic growth.

In addition to these benefits there is the potential for considerable economic gains to the country through the development of new industries, which in turn could attract additional foreign investment. With new industries come new jobs and the requirement for new skills, resulting in a higher qualified workforce.

Through Mongolia’s infrastructure already in place for the exploitation of the country's existing mining industry, CBM resources have the potential to rapidly being unlocked and start contributing to Mongolia's further development and growth.

If you want to know more about Mongolia’s developing CBM industry, be sure to look out for the next Infographic in this series, where we’ll discuss more in-depth about what CBM is and how it was formed.

As always, our team of experts is ready to answer your questions so feel free to contact us on


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