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CBM Infographic Series - Issue 3


CBM (Coalbed Methane) has, over recent years, gained credibility as a transitional #energy source thanks to its green(er) credentials when compared to coal or conventional oil and gas as a fuel or feedstock. But how is it discovered?

CBM Infographic Series - CBM Deposit Discovery

In the 3rd infographic of our CBM series, we look at the various project phases this unconventional resource goes through before being ready for the end user, from resource discovery through to resource production.

With significant estimates of untapped and yet to be recovered CBM across the world and an ever more energy hungry global population, there continues to be a push for further #exploration and #production, including in #Mongolia.

We at Excelsior Energy strongly believe that Mongolia has the potential to become a major regional supplier in this industry. One of the key elements, however, will be the development of a suitably knowledgeable and qualified workforce, something we are trying to achieve for our own employees through international exchange programs.

If you want to find out more about this exciting industry which is set to significantly contribute to Mongolia’s economy and has the potential to improve the local air quality, to name but a few of the benefits, talk to one of our team of experts or contact us on


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